Boarding as a Family
Boarding Fees
Phone: 132318
Phone: 1800 132 317
Queensland School Financial Services Phone: 1800 248 997
Queensland Transport Phone: 07 4639 0784
2024 Schedule of Boarding Fees
The college boarding facility caters for Years 7 to 12 only.
We Believe

All of your clothing must have name tags on them.
- Laptops, iPads and tablets are permitted. (Headphones must be used during study times and after lights out.)
- Bed lamp
- Personal items
You can talk to your Boarding Supervisors, the Head of Boarding, your mentors or other staff you have a right relationship with, and don’t forget you can talk to other boarders, if appropriate.
The weekends are a mix of organised activities and unstructured time. Outings are organised each weekend including fishing, swimming, other sporting activities. Leisure time can mean staying in for the day and you can enjoy movie nights and the chance to unwind from your busy week.
Parents have unlimited access to their children either by phone, e-mail or in person. Parents are welcome to have dinner in the Dining Room if they are in town and may take their child/ren out for afternoon tea or dinner at any time.
Young people enjoy liberal leave. Apart from occasional compulsory weekend activities during the year, young people may go out on any weekend. (Staff will recommend otherwise if they deem it advisable!). We are, however, very strict about granting leave: both the parent AND host family must contact the Head of Boarding if anyone other than family members are taking the boarder out for the day or weekend. We take our duty of care very seriously!
Young people must be signed in and out of the College by a family member.
If the student is unable to attend school because of an illness the Boarding Team will treat each child individually and care for them as they would their own child. Doctors’ appointments are made where deemed necessary and a supervisor will remain in the Boarding House for the day to care for child. Parents will be contacted and kept informed.
Frequent communication between staff and parents’ is welcome and essential. You are welcome to ring the Head of Boarding when you have a concern. The Head of Boarding will direct you to the relevant person who will address boarding or school matters. If the concern or issue is of a serious nature you can contact the Head of Boarding, Head of Campus or the Principal. It is always better to discuss your concern with a staff member than to be worrying at home.